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Authors & Publishing

“Very few, new authors have their pieces picked up by major publishers. Don’t wait on them to share your story”

- Leah Wiggins
Have a story to share?

eVision, LLC brings to life the stories of businesses and individuals.

You’ve spent months writing your story. You’ve dreamed of sharing your story with others. You’ve even sent your manuscript to the major publishing houses only to be rejected. 

Leah J. Wiggins has 30 years of experience in business negotiation, building relationships, and marketing to top business leaders, owners, media professionals, and other targeted markets. Her company, eVision, LLC, provides insight to those who want to share their stories with the world. The company produces quality work at competitive prices and it includes a Project Manager to assist authors with bringing their stories to life.

Experienced & Professional

At eVision, LLC we have experience in building relationships and marketing products and services to top business leaders. Let us help you live your dream. 

eVision, LLC brings to life the stories of businesses and individuals. The team includes dynamic personalities who tell the client’s story to achieve measurable results. The firm’s services include ghostwriting, copywriting; editing; copyright compliance; collateral material design; distribution; and marketing.

The firm’s sole goal is to present the client in a shining manner, propel the target market to a point of purchase and to build brand loyalty.

how can we help

Our Services include:

Hardcover Books

Books by Leah
Holder Wiggins

Leah is an author and writer. She uses the name, Leah Holder Wiggins, in published works. She started writing to share her experiences and to provide a legacy of hope and inspiration for both children and adults. She has published two children’s books, “My Neighbor is Gone” and “Why Do You Sing?

Leah Wiggins is available for workshops and book readings at schools, churches, and special events. Contact info@leahwiggins.com for availability and fees.

Leah is available for workshops and book readings at schools, churches, and special events.

Why Do You Sing?


Nina is at wit’s end with Mama’s singing. Will she ever find out what all the singing is about?

Children's Hardcover Book
Spell Name for your Signed Copy. Indicate "C" if for a child.

My Neighbor is Gone


Follow Granny as she prepares for moving day. Find out why her granddaughter is so excited about the brand new house.

Children's Hardcover Book
Spell Name for your Signed Copy. Indicate "C" if for a child.